The work package will explore the cultural and biodiversity impacts of climate change in the Barents region, particularly from the perspective of indigenous Saami people in the region

The main target group is Saami youth in the Barents Euro-Arctic region, excluding Russian Saami. Saami youth are defined as persons aged 15-29. The breakdown is based on the age definitions of the Finnish Youth Act and the UN. The target group is Saami youth living in the Saami homeland area/ traditional Saami settlement areas who are connected to the traditional Saami livelihoods, i.e. reindeer husbandry, hunting, fishing, handicrafts (duodji) and gathering. The target group will be selected taking into account the representation of different age groups and genders. The delimitation aims to obtain information directly from Saami youth, whose way of life, livelihoods and culture are directly affected by climate change. Participants will be selected in cooperation with the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry ICR and the Youth Councils of the Saami Parliaments in Finland, Sweden and Norway. It is also possible to use existing data to explore the views of non-young indigenous people.

The secondary data will be based on existing research data from the SAAMI project (Saami adaptation to climate change) and the Feasibility study on co-production of knowledge between researchers and indigenous communities for climate change adaptation project. The data allows comparing the views of Saami youth with the views of other Saami age groups on climate change.

The project will collect new data by organizing workshops for Saami youth in Finland, Norway and Sweden (WP5.1). The workshops will address climate change, adaptation, impacts, co-production of knowledge with the scientific community, climate justice, welfare impacts, intergenerational impacts, and ways to mitigate and minimize the negative impacts of climate change. In addition, the workshops will give young people the opportunity to raise issues that are important to them in relation to climate change.

The second material is a survey for young Saami people. The questionnaire will be carried out in Finland, Sweden and Norway. The questionnaire contains the same questions as the questionnaire for the whole project (WP4) to allow comparison. The questionnaire will be conducted entirely as an internet questionnaire in order to be cost-effective. Efforts will be made to reach out to Saami youth through Saami youth organizations, Saami youth councils, the ICR and the Saami media. Research materials and reports on climate change and Saami youth will also be used.

The work package will produce a draft scientific publication: indigenous youth views on climate change. The publication will combine, where possible, data from the workshops and the survey. The publication will be completed independently of the end of the project period and will be published in international peer-reviewed scientific journals. Due to the length of the scientific peer review process, final publications are not expected within the project period, but the aim is to have publications published within the project period. Once a publication has been accepted, it will be announced and communicated on social media.

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