The ACAF project aims to promote international cooperation between Arctic adaptation researchers and authorities, to prepare new climate resilience, and to spread Arctic climate resilience expertise. One of our main tasks is to establish a network for Arctic climate change adaptation researchers.

Arctic Adaptation research organizations

Universities and research institutes affiliated with universities

  1. University of Lapland, Rovaniemi
  2. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg
  3. Arctic University of Norway, Tromso
  4. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala
  5. Nord University, Bodo
  6. Umeå University, Umeå
  7. University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  8. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
  9. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon
  10. University of Victoria, Victoria
  11. Center for International Climate Research, Oslo (University of Oslo)
  12. Arctic Institute of North America, Calgary (University of Calgary)

Research Institutes

  1. Norwegian Environment Agency, Trondheim (Ministry of Climate and Environment)
  2. Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, Stockholm (Swedish Government)
  3. Nordland research institute, Bodo (Private corporation)
  4. Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo (Ministry of Climate and Environment)
  5. Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm (Independent foundation)
  6. Norwegian Polar Institute, Tromso (Ministry of Climate and Environment)
  7. Natural Resources Institute Finland, Helsinki (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry)
  8. Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center, Fairbanks (U.S. Geological Survey)
  9. S. Geological Survey, Washington (United States Department of the Interior)
  10. RAND Corporation, Santa Monica (Private corporation)
  11. Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St Petersburg (Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Monitoring of the Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)
  12. Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, US Department of Commerce)
  13. Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki (Ministry of Transport and Communications)
  14. Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki (Ministry of the Environment)

Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations

  1. Aleut International Association, Anchorage
  2. Arctic Athabascan Council, Whitehorse
  3. Gwitch´in council international, Whitehorse
  4. Inuit circumpolar council Alaska, Anchorage
  5. Inuit circumpolar council Greenland, Nuuk
  6. Inuit circumpolar council Chukotka, Anadyr
  7. Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Moscow
  8. Saami Council, Karasjok
  9. Sámi Parliament of Finland, Inari
  10. Sami Parliament of Sweden, Kiruna
  11. Sámi Parliament of Norway, Karasjok

Welcome to join the International Arctic Climate Adaptation network!

One of the goals of the ACAF project is to establish and build and International Arctic Climate Adaptation network. The network is open to all interested.

The network activities will include networking events, participation in Arctic events and sharing of information on climate adaptation issues and network activities on our website, in Twitter and by email, and possibly also in other communications channels. The purpose of the networking activities is to share knowledge and solutions on climate adaptation, get to know other people interested in Arctic climate adaptation, to create new ideas and possibly also to come up with new (research) project ideas.

Registration link to the international Arctic adaptation network here

With the form we ask for your consent to join the network and the use of your personal information as specified in the privacy policy.

Read the privacy policy of the Arctic adaptation network here (in English) and here (in Finnish)

Building the International Arctic Climate Adaptation Network by a series of Arctic adaptation workshops in Spring and early Summer 2021

The international Arctic adaptation researchers’ network was promoted and its foundation laid in Spring and early Summer 2021 by a series of workshops, see more details here. In each event, researchers and other people and organizations working on Arctic climate adaptation introduced their recent or ongoing work, including adaptation innovations. In each event, discussions continued in thematic breakout rooms. After the webinars, all participants have been invited to join the International Arctic Climate Adaptation Network, and quite a nice number of people have joined the network.

More information about the webinar series.

Kansainvälinen arktinen sopeutumisverkosto rakentuu – webinaarisarja järjestettiin keväällä ja alkukesästä 2021

ACAF-hanke järjesti keväällä ja alkukesästä 2021 sarjan arktisten maiden kahdenvälisiä tapaamisia, joissa suomalaiset arktisen alueen tutkijat ja muut toimijat kuulivat muissa maissa tehdystä sopeutumistyöstä ja -innovaatioista, vaihtoivat ajatuksia ja solmivat uusia kontakteja. Englanninkielisissä tilaisuuksissa tavattavan maan tutkijat ja muut sopeutumistoimijat kertoivat hankkeistaan ja kokemuksistaan sopeutumistyöstä, ja aihepiireihin syvennyttiin temaattisissa ryhmäkeskusteluissa. Workshop-sarjan osallistujia on jo runsaasti liittynyt kansainväliseen arktiseen sopeutumisverkostoon.

Lisätietoa kansainvälisestä webinaarisarjasta (englanniksi).

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